Dr. Jepsen was appointed a director of the Company in March 2016. Dr. Jepsen is the CEO, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Openwater, a start-up company focused on replacing the functionality of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with a consumer electronic wearable using novel opto-electronics to achieve comparable resolution to a MRI. Previously, Dr. Jepsen was the Executive Director of Engineering at Facebook, Inc. and Head of Display Technologies at Oculus where she led advanced consumer electronics, opto-electronic and display design and manufacturing efforts. From 2012 to 2015, Dr. Jepsen had a similar role at Google, Inc. and Google X. She also co-founded One Laptop per Child and was the lead architect of the $100 laptop, millions of which were shipped to children in the developing world. She is the principal inventor on approximately 200 patents. Dr. Jepsen also currently serves on the board of the Brown University Engineering Council and as a director of a privately held company, Wogrammer. She has broad advisory experience in Peru, China, Uruguay, Taiwan, Brazil and the United States, as well as at the United Nations. Dr. Jepsen holds a doctorate degree from Brown University in Optical Sciences, a master of science degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Visual Studies and a bachelor’s of science degree in Electrical Engineering from Brown University.